



2017-02-24 18:56:00



  There are two ways to gain admission to the PhD programme:

  apply for a post as doctoral research fellow

  apply for admission with external funding




  1.Applying for a post as doctoral research fellow

  In order to apply for a post as a doctoral research fellow at the Faculty of Theology, there must be one or more vacancies. Application deadlines can vary.

  Successful applicants will be employed by the University while taking a PhD degree and will have the same rights and obligations as other employees.




  2.Applying for admission with external funding

  You can apply for admission to the programme if your PhD is to be funded by another institution or activity. You must be affiliated with an active research environment. External funding can be:

  doctoral research fellowship at a university college/other university,

  other employment in an academic institution, with time available for own research

  other funding arrangements

  There are two application deadlines every year: 15 March and 15 September.







  Who qualifies for admission?

  A high standard is required both with regard to competence and to the quality and relevance of the PhD project. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the current research work at the faculty.

  Admission to the PhD programme requires funding for the entire period.




  Programme structure - PhD

  The nominal length of the PhD programme is 3 years, during which time you will write a thesis and take part in research training. The educational component is worth 30 credits and consists of compulsory and elective courses and seminars.



  The doctorate is awarded based on:

  a doctoral thesis

  an educational component worth 30 credits

  a trial lecture and public defence





  The PhD programme at the Faculty of Theology is organized as a single PhD programme and covers all of the faculty’s research fields: biblical studies, church history, systematic theology, ethics and professional ethics, practical theology, diaconal studies, and religious studies.


  The scope of a PhD thesis should be such that it can be completed within the framework of the PhD programme, stipulated to 3 years net time for research training. The thesis may consist of a single work (monograph) or several shorter works (article-based thesis). In addition to writing a thesis, you must have approved participation in research training. The educational component is made up of a compulsory part worth 15 credits and an elective part worth 15 credits. The expected learning outcomes of taking a PhD are defined in the programme plan for PhDs at the Faculty of Theology.


  Programme plan and regulations

  It is important that you familiarize yourself with the provisions that are applicable to the organized research training at the faculty. The PhD Regulations apply to all PhD candidates at the University of Oslo, while the programme plan defines what specifically applies to PhD candidates at the Faculty of Theology.



  The PhD programme is regulated by:

  Regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at the University of Oslo

  Programme plan for PhDs at the Faculty of Theology




  Introductory meeting and midway meeting

  All PhD candidates will be invited to an introductory meeting with the PhD leader, supervisor(s) and the research adviser. During the meeting, issues such as practical conditions, the educational component, expected learning outcomes, the thesis work, the supervisory relationship, and general participation in the research community will be covered. Midway through the PhD study period, a meeting will be held between the PhD leader, the candidate, supervisor(s), and the research adviser. The meeting will cover the candidate’s progress in relation to the admission period and in relation to the requirements in the qualifications framework. The PhD Coordinator will report on the status of the individual candidates to the Programme Council for PhD studies.



  Progress reports

  All doctoral candidates are required to submit an annual progress report. This is done in the spring semester, and prior to the reporting deadline you will be told what to report and how. The progress report will provide details of the progress of your research work and of course completion. The main supervisor and co-supervisor will submit their own reports regarding your progress. The progress reports of the candidates will be approved by the PhD leader.



  The progress report will be followed up with a progress meeting between yourself and the PhD leader. Any issues regarding progress and problems related to the supervisory relationship will be covered here. In the year that you have the midway meeting, it will replace the annual progress meeting.


  Educational component

  Together with the thesis work, the educational component will provide education of a high academic level, with completion of a scientific work, training in academic dissemination, and an introduction to research ethics, philosophy of science, and scientific methods.

  Educational component

  和论文工作一起,Educational component提供高水准的学术教育。涉及科学工作的完成,学术论文训练,以及科研道德、科学哲学、科学方法导论。

  The basis for the award of credits is the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Thirty credits should correspond to six months of work, i.e. 750–900 hours. One credit should correspond to 25–30 hours of work.

  学分评定基础以欧洲学分累积和转换系统为准。30个学分对应6个月工作,即750–900个小时。一个学分对应25–30 个小时工作。

  Of the 30 credits in the educational component, 15 are compulsory:

  Basic seminar (10 credits)

  Presentation seminar (5 credits)

  在Educational component的30个学分中,有15个是必修的:



  The remaining part consists of courses that are specific to the thesis and discipline, which are worth 15 credits and can be taken at the University of Oslo or externally. These credits may be earned for example through internal courses, external courses, or conference participation with a paper. Within the 15 credits, University-funded doctoral research fellows may take the University’s education module at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Oslo and have this approved as 5 credits within the educational component.

  其余的15个学分由专门与论文和学科相关的课程组成,可以在奥斯陆大学或其他大学获取。这些学分可以通过内部课程、外部课程、报告会议参与等途径获取。在这15个学分内,大学资金博士研究员可以选修奥斯陆大学教育科学院的教育模块,将其转化为Educational component内的5个学分。

  You must arrange for the approval and documentation of all credit-bearing participation and ensure the safekeeping of all copies of documentation throughout the doctoral period of study.

  The PhD leader will approve individual courses and the candidate's overall educational component. It is a good idea to complete the educational component as early as possible during the PhD programme.


  博士领导负责各门课程和候选人整体educational componentde 批准。在博士课程期间,最好尽早完成educational component。

  Doctoral research fellows at the faculty

  Doctoral research fellows normally hold three year positions at the Faculty of Theology. If you manage to hand in your dissertation within three years of studies, you may be granted the opportunity of a 4th year at the faculty. If you manage to hand in your dissertation within 3,5 years of studies, you may be granted the opportunity of six extra months at the faculty. With 6 months or a year extra, you may be asked to be involved in teaching and examinations. Other academic, administrative, or welfare-related tasks that otherwise would have been expected to be performed by a permanent member of the academic staff at the faculty can also be involved.

  The Dean of Studies and the Head of Studies will meet with the doctoral research fellow to plan such tasks.



  What does it mean to be a PhD candidate with external funding?

  As a PhD candidate with external funding you can participate in research activities in the PhD programme and you will be supervised by a staff member at the Faculty of Theology. You will have access to the faculty’s library resources. You will not receive financial support from the faculty, and you will not receive office space.



  The normal period of admission is up to 6 years, with a 3-year net organized research training period. In other words, it is possible to do the doctorate on a part-time basis, but it is essential that you work at least 50% on doctoral work during each year of part-time enrollment.


  The admission period is defined in the PhD contract upon admission. You must have a valid admission agreement for the duration of the study period. If you need to extend the admission period, you must expressly apply for this.








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